Monday, December 18, 2017

Progress Report on my Wagner Book

I have half written the draft version of my Richard Wagner book. All of the chapters have had their content planned out. I just have to fill in the gaps I have left. I know pretty much what I want to say for each of them.

Originally my thought was to collate a lot of blog posts and synthesise them, but I am surprised how little I am doing that. Even covering old ground again has forced me to rewrite translations accompanied by improved commentary. A book gives me more scope to write without having to cram it into bite sized portions.

So readers will find that the content of the book has a lot of new information in it. Some of it comes as a huge surprise even to me. I find myself a little shocked at just how surprising it is. Just when you thought you knew it all...

This book is pouring out me and it feels like it is writing itself. After researching this subject for 20 years, it is all coming together. Even then it will take months to write out all the chapters. There is a huge amount of research to be done for it. I have piles and piles of books that I need to work my way through. None of it stuff found in the blog.

Back to work for me writing.

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