Friday, January 20, 2012

Time for Something Different

No, I never intended to have this blog be all about Wagner, Wagner and nothing but Wagner. I go through periods, and this one is a Wagner period. I don't think I have ever spent so long studying him and his music as intensively as recently.

In any case, it is time for a break before we get back into the Ring and go through the last two parts of the cycle. Here is my suggested break. It is a CD of piano music by Ingrid Karlen.

It comes from ECM.

The Webern should be well known to you. The Boulez Notations are an absolutely dazzling works with his poetic fantasy in full flight and highly listenable to. The Ustvolskaya Sonata Nr 6 is fascinating work and also remarkably gripping - come though they may, from the "lady with the hammer".

The performances here represent excellent, heart felt advocacy for the music selected.

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