Thursday, December 22, 2011

Welcome to the Think Classical Blog!

I've been participating in the discussion of classical music on-line for over ten years now. Since I find it hard to find people who share my interest, when I first discovered an international online community of people who shared a common interest, it was quite exciting. However, excitement gradually turned to disenchantment. The reason is probably because, as Schopenhauer said, "music is the language of passion and emotions". Few people even try to genuinely think about music, and so you get these shallow emotive pronouncements like Tchaikovsky is the greatest composer of all time "because he stirs emotions in me". Worse still are the throngs of self appointed expert music critics who write stream of consciousness reviews of their knee-jerk emotive responses to some recording, and elevate these pronouncements to the status of Eternal Truth.

If this is how you think, this blog is not for you, unless you want to read things that explosively raise your blood pressure. Even if you are a thinking musician or music lover, expect to be challenged with thought provoking posts.

And that is the final reason I pretty much cannot post on any interactive internet platform. I tend to put forward carefully thought out views that many find incendiary. They tend to evoke hysterical reactions from the peanut gallery that are totally unmanageable. At least here, I get free reign of my soapbox without having to hold back for fear of being lynched by the mob. So expect to read things that are going to be controversial and go against tedious convention. However, if you pop an aneurysm reading here, I take no responsibilities for the consequences. Read at your own risk!

So love me or loath me, you will at least be stimulated to think classical.

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